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Legal funny things of Canada

1. The Canadian court supported the girl which father refused to release the daughter on excursion. The father was indignant of that it placed the photo on a dating site. The judge who passed the decision in favor of the girl, considered proofs of that the child already "was rather punished" from mother. The father and mother were divorced — in similar cases children are often presented in court by their own lawyer. Though this case also seems silly, but it creates precedent when the court takes the part of minors in their disputes with parents.

2. Many funny things in jurisprudence were and in the last centuries. In particular, in the 19th century it happened that judges judged themselves. So, in 1874 of Frances Evans Cornysh, the acting as the world judge in the Canadian Winnipeg, considered case on own emergence in a state of intoxication in a public place. The honest judge pled guilty, having fined 5 dollars and having put to pay a legal cost. However, he right there ordered to enter in minutes the following: "Francis Evans Cornysh! Considering that in the past you behaved respectably, the penalty is cancelled".

Category: Legal funny things | Added by: Chance23 (18.05.2014)
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